Tuesday, January 22, 2013

RESURECTING ART PT 1 (introduction)

                                                   WHY IN GODS NAME IS THIS SO IMPORTANT 

"And be not conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, in order to prove by you what is the good and pleasing and perfect will of God. "

We live in a world that seems to be coming apart at the seams. The only evidence we have to the contrary is the still morning breeze before the hustle and bustle of the city streets pick up to grind out yet another day. Day in, day out, we are bombarded by popular culture, bad news, and poorly conceived ideals which tug at our heart strings. They do this in a vain attempt to get the one commodity which seems to be in shorter supply than an iPhone on Black Friday. Our attention!

Attention spans have over the past 25 years decreased exponentially. This is on account of the increasing prescience of television and web based content. Studies have shown – studies I don’t have the patients to pay attention to - that indeed the way we perceive and ingest content considered relevant to our attention is in a constant state of flux from year to year. Throughout this techno-labyrinth which drives the balance of this change, one thing has stayed the same. Despite the break neck pace of our daily grind, we have always had time to pause and pay what’s left of our attention for a unique experience. It is the matter of this unique experience manifested in the arts, its creation, and the power such an experience holds over all of us that is the primary focus of this blog. 

It will however not be-as writings progress  the sole focus. It is my hope in writing this blog to shed some light on the seemingly inherent contradictions which exist between free creative expression, creative process, and the understanding of universal truth. I will use a mostly biblical perspective on the definition of truth in regards to this.  if need be for the sake of contextual imagery the esoteric will be explored. It is the general idea of ethics and truth as a constant throughout history that I am using the bible to draw from as a stable element in the equation of this exploration. These are things which have always kept me awake at night as an artist. Do we as creative individuals hold a unique responsibility to ourselves along with society to create works up to a certain standard? Is that standard based merely on tearing down what is considered passé at any given time replacing it with what is perceived as new? Even if, nothing is truly new. Or is it something deeper within the human condition and beyond? Is that something deeper when manifested relevant if it ignores genuine creative process for what is considered the acceptable form of the status quo as society trudges on from genre to genre in the secular realm, or in faith based circles a poor imitation of a U2 Cover band in Denial!  

            . . .seriously, someone has to just stand up and invoke a Galatians 2:11 LITV attitude on this! 

Criticizem IS a vital aspect of rising above mediocrity within the arts. Be it the hipsters sharing a cigarette after the live set is finished or the head master of Julliard, critisizem has always been a    necessary part of the refining of the arts within culture!  

On account of that statement I will invoke it back to 2:9. We will examine how perhaps 2:10 effects this in regards to suffering for ones art (like suffering for Christ) as we progress. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with wanting to write a tight pop song or play a Hillsong cover. Hillsong has served well in setting a precedent for mega church post modern worship, but in the grander realm of the arts where the real work needs to be done, not much else. I would like to be clear, my interest is not in critiquing the state of worship on Sunday. That is for the worship leaders, rather I invite the rabid Hipster Hillsong fans to consider a comparison to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Handel's Messiah, or other groundbreaking works that have stood the test of time. Sure there has been improvement in the mainstream since the Shatneresque attempt at hip hop by Carmen, but I digress. I challenge the reader to ask themselves how ever did we get here. Of course, there are exceptions we will examine. 

This still does not change the fact that overall there is a seriously large swath in the Americanized wannabe Hillsong hipster churches that are missing the point. failing to create genuine art, and thus propagating genuine culture relevant to post modern society which exists completely outside the dwindling upper middle class of America. Not everyone has been dumbed down like so many people who have been taught to lived their entire life vicariously through network television and twitter. Those who have hit the skids in this world are as those who consider themselves truly refined. They demand more bang for their buck in therms of the attention they pay. It is a shame but it appears that CS Lewis was right when he wrote the Abolition of man, I encourage you to read it! On account of this I will briefly state that the watered down theology that usually masquerades as image oriented "health and wellness" or "prosperity gospel" Has got to go if there is to be yet another great revival preceding yet another great falling away. It is stated plainly that there is suffering for Christ after salvation. Everyone who has been saved knows this. With that said, this is a topic for pastors to discuss. I am an artist! Thus gods gift to me is a free spirit, creative mind, and will to challenge everything. 

Now, before I leave a bad taste in everyone else mouth who doesn't even know what a Hillsong is, may I state for the record. This blog is as much for the Secular artist as the Sacred one. I invite those who couldn't care less about Christianity to use it throughout the course of these topical examinations as a default ideological measuring rod to bounce their personal views off of in relation to the philosophical discussion. Agree or disagree as you see fit, but play with it and feel free to get your hands dirty abusing it all you like! I do, with that said, implore you to dig as deep as you can, past witty remarks and cheep sarcasm. I challenge YOU in all your hipster "with it-ness" to dig past emotive reasoning and stereotypical perceptions. Dig deep into your own views, are they truly yours? I challenge you to truly put the sum of your intellect into the topics at hand. 

Art can neither fully agree or disagree with either of us. Its purpose was never to Bastardize absolutes as much as inspire vision, even if it is a creative expression invoked by god via the holy spirit. At the end of the day any art is no more or less valid than a creative expression evoked by sexual frustration, or even pure idiocy. All art weaves into the background tapestry of culture over time. Like stars in the infinite galaxy of the universe, as it fades further back into the fuzzy memory of time so to does its significance. Things that stand the test of time (like scriptures for thousands of years, or the ceiling of the Sistine chapel) are therefore extremely worth noting irregardless of How they stood that test of time. They dis so as equal forms of human expression. They set from their lofty perch in the past the basic absolutes which govern human logic in this current era. Such absolutes are based on observed truth as a constant over time. Unchanging despite innumerable attempts to do so. It is not my intention to make an argument of apologetics with this exploration but, given the subject matter it will most likely be unavoidable.  

Yeah I admit, I really could use a better hobby, but its strange what hobbies amount to when what you do as a full time career choice is what many do for sport. 

Now with all these things put on the table, it is the artist- the individual wielder of creative force, which demands our precious attention on account of their carefully crafted, sometimes freely improvised, unique and artful experiences. They are the ones who have been charged with the task of diverting our attention and providing meaning to this daily grind we call life. Comparable to a Holy man, a Shaman, or even a great ideological leader, it is the artist as a wielder of self-expressive creative energy under the guise of creative licence who has been given free rein over the public conscious more so today than in any other era of civilization. Despite all the new toys and tools that come out onto the markets with every blink of an eye, it is still the time honored concepts of creative licence, and the seclusion of creative process that the artists relies on to hold and maintain the attention of the audience.

With that in mind, a bit of background seems appropriate before we delve into the philosophical and spiritual rhetoric. I have been a musician for over 20 years. I have played professionally for over 10 years.  I’m conservatory educated with all the associated bla, bla, bla, that goes along with that. I can say with confidence I have been successful enough in my field to have paid rent with it often enough. I began playing my first shows in the SLC Punk/Industrial scene. I am an SLC Punk at heart – Props to SLUG! If you don’t know what that’s all about I guess you’re not really punk! 

but then again, if you feel you are, you should see ludicrousness of that previous statement in the ideological sense. By the Way can I bum a smoke? 

My crowning achievement has been performing original material for the Governor General of Canada. Some more bla, bla, bla  goes along with that. I’ve opened for some of the coolest underground metal, industrial, and punk bands around, or rather, my bla, bla, is cooler that your bla, bla. With the street credibility and bla,bla. . bharfff. . to prove it! (ack hemm)  I play over 20 instruments, I design video games when I can. I have an equally – bla bla oriented visual arts/digital media, audio production, mentoring, and as of now, creative philosophy practice. I grew out of wanting to be on MTV shortly after hearing Jello Biafa speak when I was a teenager. Likewise I’ve gotten involved with various anti-establishment scenes. I took a few too many rides in the police truck too, but (sigh) such stories are probably best left for another time.

I AM PUNK! At least as far as my school of hard knocks credentials are concerned. This means  most established ideas that come from society are to be challenged for the sake of doing so! If you don't like that well in true punk fashion .. . .I guess, (ack hemm) FECK OFF (pardon moi francais oh lord.) people have not just the right but the obligation to express divergent opinions in the greater dialogue of culture and society. 

Despite my technical abilities and sporadic indie accomplishments, success in the conventional sense is an up and down thing. All the same I’m thankful to be doing what I’m doing with every day presenting itself as a new adventure. I guess God blessed me with being too much of an artist for my own practical good, the bills seldom get paid, but hey, it’s seldom ever dull.

Now, how’s  that for a Curriculum Vite (snicker snicker)

With the humor aside. This blog will also serve as a summation of insights learned as a Christian throughout all of these punk misadventures. I never really could stomach most of the conventional contemporary Christian thought, or lack thereof regarding the arts. Never mind the secular industry and its binge and purge approach to human expression.The balance of my career had been spent up until this point conveniently ignoring any connection between God and creativity. That changed in my late twenties when I had one of those well known misty eyed life changing encounters with Christ.  It was quite the miraculous trip to say the least. Like most aspects of my personal life pertaining to this blog it’s also a story probably best left for another time. Though I had already considered myself a Christian prior to this, faith in a higher power along with being aware of a greater meaning to existence that what my 5 senses could perceive didn't become applicable to my creative viewpoint until I understood for myself that God’s power was real. Therefore, if God’s power was real, than Gods truth was real also.

From that point forward my outlook changed, an outlook summed up in these posts! Now as a true Bible thumping believer convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt of its truth, I went fourth a new man. However, outside worship on Sunday I couldn't escape the continuing fact that Christian culture, Christian music, Christian film, art, and television still SUCKED! Constantly catering towards the shallow and superficial aspects of mimicry instead of divergent expression. Or the easily impressed shut in culture of youth groups and sewing circles. A culture that makes up such a small portion of people who profess belief in Christ on some level or another. In fact, the more closer to Gods word I drew myself the less I seemed to be able to stand most of what his church had to offer in this department. It always seemed there was something missing.

The offerings presented generally seemed completely devoid of genuine honest expression! sure the joy of Christ expresses a certain cause and effect creative result in the same manner 2+2=4 but can we not try the logarithmic approach? can we not express dull and boring numbers with sacred geometry instead of dry linear representation? you wont go to hell for it, seriously! Who cares what the stupid Pope says! 

when we offer our gifts and talents unto god should we not give him our very best? Do the fellow Christians here believe they have? Likewise do the agnostic creative forces of the secular world really think that they have worked with equal diligence as if they were offering such work to a higher power? 

With my experience as a modern music producer, and as a connoisseur of True Metal since early childhood it struck me as clear. Even with Dave Mustanes conversion to the faith, on a whole the devil still played a better guitar, made a better movie, and generally was superior at conveying his version of truth artistically than the church. Not God himself mind you, God has already made his artistic statement with creation. Rather, those charged with his public relations and culture creation here on planet Earth.

Despite this harsh comments on Christian arts, I would like to point out once again that over the years there has been noteworthy exceptions. These exceptions went against the grain of their surroundings, suffered for their art, and more often than not due to their circumstance overcame adversity. On account of this, their art spoke with meaningful character brought on by the inspiration of such unique life experience. It is important to point out that as art so often imitates life, perhaps therein lays part of the problem. If preaching to the choir is all someone knows, it stands to reason that it’s all someone can do. Likewise in the secular sense if self obsession with image and excess is the summation of ones existence, it becomes the extent to which such an artists is able to create meaningful works. The negative influence of such on our popular culture in this day and age is self evident. 

Perhaps to a lesser extent it sheds some light on the Brilliant flood of conceptual prog rock albums that came out in the late 70’s (the Wall, Ziggy Stardust, etc) wherein the primary statement was one of the artist desperately trying to distance themselves from their audiences perceptions of who they were. I don't blame them! The deification of the rock icon is a relativity recent thing, and probably what none of the above artists intended for their greatest works initially. In an attempt to reclaim themselves in these albums the artist became someone else or a faux character. We see this in the characters of Pink, and Major Tumm. Later on artists such as Marylin Manson and others would pay homage to this strange form of Rock star introspection. Trying desperately to turn the tide of iconic image deification set in the modern age by Elvis after he ascended to Graceland by way of his toilet.

*may I mention on a side note that THE WALL, ZIGGY STARDUST and ANTICHRIST SUPERSTAR are required text book listening for anyone who wishes to rise beyond such works formula for creative concepts and delve into re shaping the world of Progressive concept album art rock!

It seems to be apparent nonetheless. Honest expression and the nakedness it conveys is in and of itself a form of truth. It inevitably points to the artists creative muse of inspiration irregardless of the state of the internal ego conflict which strives to create the unattainable concept beset in its mind as “the new” We shall examine the idea of the Muse and the mechanics of inspiration and how it governs to a certain extent expression as this blog progresses.

It was also important in the writing of this blog to better understand just where in society true artists fit be they Christian or Secular. Indeed we artists are a strange breed. We tend to contradict most all of societies norms while managing to be a successful contradiction in and of ourselves. We utilize fanciful falsehoods to convey deeper meanings and perceived truth, yet we tell no lies. As Picasso put it:

“We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth. At least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.”

When done successfully, the image of the art's creator is credited. Often times over and above the relevance of the creative work itself. This blog will call into question the creative energy associated with the modern icon of the  of the individual creator. The validity of the presence it conveys, and how that shapes the final expression of the creative work - or in most cases lack thereof.  In the secular realm I question (like so many) the idea of a culture based around iconic celebrity. I pose the qwery, is being restricted to the egocentric limitations of one owns self perception as a basis for shaping ones muse in the end equivalent to expressing a self denied pursuit of truth? It is rather foolish and slightly Orwellian for popular culture to convey the icon of the artist, or the image of the identifiable character attached to a creative unique experience in and of itself as the point of association with the audiences perception of creative meaning. It is in and of itself NOT the source or muse of true creative inspiration. We shall see that true inspiration comes from outside ones self. 

It is strange how very few people stop to think how creativity in and of itself irregardless of its outlet is possibly the most powerful force in the universe. It is completely unbound by the individual who wields it, rather we will see that that individual is merely a vessel for inspiration. A tool with which to reshape it - hence why Beiber fever is not and never will be art! We will also see as we delve further into the divine nature of creativity that it is eternally perpetual throughout all of perceived existence as a finger print of a divine purpose to our existence. We will see how it is beyond us, yet still subject to the whims of our free will.

Even God himself in the book of Genesis saw fit to rest from his creativity’s labors (Gen 2:3). In fact it’s the only task God ever deemed fit to rest from by such literally interpreted accounts. Creativity with that said, stands as possibly his most potent communicable attribute (Gen 1:1). It is a force that is often misunderstood, thus taken for granted under the dubious moniker of sole self-expression. Self-expression is a relative and misunderstood concept in relation to creativity. It is mostly dependent on the given unique artful experience it produces and judged for its merits by those still paying attention. When self expression as a force is governed solely by the simplistic and somewhat naive doctrine of creative license as directed by an image focused on self, we see it can be misused and abused. A person throwing a rock though a window is expressing themselves. A person who is playing rock expresses something more. Thus the self defined ethics which sub consciously govern the licence attached to creative process often stop short of exploring aspects of truth that remain delicately esoteric when limited to image. It is the exploration of this delicate escotericism beyond image centered conceptualizations  which creative licence when employed properly in kind navigates with the finest precision.

It can be seen as far back as Plutarch’s recollection of Sparta in the characters of Thaletas. Much like the deification of Elvis in the modern era by his label, this particular songwriter and poet was commissioned by Lycurgus the king of Sparta to recreate its culture in his own image. Thus Thaletas created one of the earliest examples of militaristic arts based propaganda centered around an idealized image as a form of culture creation. I have no doubt Lycurgus (if he existed) was a nice guy. But its doubtful he had the messianic hue Thaletas musical paint brush cast him in. True art unlike Propaganda and image marketing can stand on its own with no name attached. Take the Voynich Manuscript for example. Who wrote it? Who knows! After several centuries its still fires the imagination. Additionally the Codex Sheriphinius captures the same mystique when gazed at for the first time. All the same, good luck finding these works, to say their rare (like most great art) would be a gross understatement! 

Meanwhile back In our time, the worse abuses of creative licence and general creative self-expression go well beyond the obvious ethical and moral implications of Celebrity propaganda and generally poor taste. Though complex in nature the symptoms tend to manifest themselves in the most pathetic parade of mediocrity in recent memory. Perhaps the most pathetic parade in human history! Seriously, on both sides of the secular/sacred fence there's a lot of disposable crap to choose from. This book will also address the issues of self-expression and mediocrity. I will try to not gleefully over indulge on berating the latter of the two, but no promises.

Understand that this book is not intended to belittle, limit, or oppress one of the most beautiful gifts in the universe- the gift of free spirited creative self expression. Rather, I feel as a long time musician, writer, visual artist, and genuine punk rock Renaissance man living on a hope and a prayer, that it is my obligation to draw conclusions based on observations pertaining to post-modern culture creation and commercialization. As a devout Christian for most of my life, I feel it is time to reconcile seemingly contradictory and opposing ideologies with the understanding that God is the source of all creativity and truly the inescapable inspiration behind any muse. Even in regards to creative works that would mock and seek to delegitimize the testimony of his word, bare in mind, such works still need to make reference to God one way or another to make its point. That said, I seek to free artists of the chains that bind them in relation to living up to the idolatry and false perceptions wrought upon them by their image and worship of humanist perfection. These chains I speak of keep them in a constant cycle of trying to measure up in a hear today gone yesterday world. Or coveting the position of what they see on their Twitter feeds. 

Artists are meant to be free spirits un obstructed by such ridiculous things. The purity of the pursuit demands it! How else can we be Focusing on on attaining new heights for the sake of doing so, all the while sharing our unique wisdom gained through creative process in more forms than just stage presentation as we go. It is the life of an artist that is in and of itself the work of art! With this in mind, it is this fact that should rightly dictate the end product of creative output. How can one truly express it if they don't live it! 

It is a sacrifice and a calling. Often unappreciated and usually duplicated without awareness in parallel fashion by equally devout practitioners of the craft. One artist writes a song called "glory" starting with an F# in Tallahassee Florida another does so in Istanbul. Neither the two will ever meet nor be fully aware of the others existence. 

I believe that in an age of American idols and mentally challenged Hip hop MC’s true artists have lost sight of what it means to be exceptional, prophetic, and genuinely selfless in the presentation of their work as a manifestation of something greater than themselves. Thus Humility has been lost in the idea that the arts are a calling equal to the service of divinity. As Martin Luther himself stated: 

"Music is the art of prophets and the gift of God" 

Artists as true individuals chase after the unknown searching for ways of expanding their imaginations to embrace what was previously unperceived in their place and time. They influence the scientists and philosophers. They call such disciplines to new heights. They bring the beauty of the unexpected, they generate what is perceived as fresh and new to everything they touch. They do this by the nature of their God given disposition. It is the artists moral obligation to do this with the understanding of their own free will. This results in creative expression one way or another even if it is consciously avoided. The task of moral creative responsibility lays in employing ethics which promote and propagate creative intelligence, even if the endgame of a creative unique experience is purely escapist. Escapism when executed properly still feeds the imagination which is a catalyst to growth. Thus it is a further chain reaction of creative expression. 

This is why, in God’s name, this blog may just be so freaking important! In seeking a union between Theology and creative process it is my hope to reveal a way of being for the post modern creative mindset that is in harmony with truth and good taste. Artists are creators of the new, even if as King Solomon said nothing is new (Ecl 1:9).  Nevertheless reshape the perceptions of this proverbial biblical concept to present themselves as  fresh to the cultural experience of their place and time. True genius never goes out of style. A masterpiece is a masterpiece in any age because it continues to challenge its audience on levels pertaining to human nature that in and of themselves are timeless and never change. Let us move away from imitating what has been done and move towards truth centered honest, boundary pushing creative expression! The act of doing so by default will by default celebrate the image in which we were made. This is a paramount concern in a society of political correctness which seeks to re define and shrink all boundaries of creative thought. This will be a subject to get into later on as well over the course of this blog. It is my prayerful understanding that this is truly what God himself vial the Holy Spirit wishes me to convey to the sacred realm of the arts. Likewise It calls me to minister to the secular realm by challenging them to rise to such an equivocal occasion.

with that said like so many great men before me I am prepared for the ensuing pie in the face made up of rotten tomatoes. 

To be in the world but not of the world as Jesus taught does not mean creatively aping the styles and trends of those easily swayed by moving pictures and repetitive beats. Rather we should seek to re-invent the wheel for the sake of doing so. It is the process of this task which will serve as a continued and endless source of inspiration helping us grow closer to understanding the infinite nature of our true inescapable inspiration. That being GOD,  and just how beyond us he really is conceptually.

The words contained within this body of work as stated earlier are in effect, based on observations made passively in the pursuit of the unattainable. (Creative perfection - thus a re inventing of the wheel) These observations stand on their own to me as self-evident. I have fought them tooth and nail on account of my own creative ego in a vain attempt to satisfy myself despite them. I have done so over the years to no avail. Therefore  I make plain the thoughts inside my head for critique by those who have the constitution to ponder what I have been moved to put on these pages.

my peers  both in the secular world and the sacred one have lost their way. Its funny, back in the day there used to be a general complaint of this. Not so much in the sense of one generation misunderstanding the expression of the other. Rather a noticing by those who were astute enough to pay attention and notice watering down of expression over time. This being most pronounced as a loss of Honest expression over Image marketing. Whats funny about it, is what was deplored as empty and flaccid 15 years ago would be welcome compared to today's standards. If there is to be a great revival in the Church and a creative renaissance in the secular world then there needs to be an honest cultural renaissance. NOT A REVOLUTION, mind you, I want to be clear in drawing a distinction between the two concepts. For it is revolution that has served as a tool in the name of “justice” and “equality” as a funeral pyre for some of the best examples of human creativity. (Not to mention senseless martyrdom over the centuries) Consider Madame Mao during the cultural revolution in China, or other equally atrocious book, music, and art burning of the Marxist era in Russia. The act of revolution inevitably declines and falls away from its initial, and in some cases, innocent ideology to become the same as what it sought to destroy.

So then let us seek renaissance spurred on solely by individual creative renewal. No logo, banner, nor clique fashion aesthetic will create this. Just as Frank Zappa pointed out that brown shoes don't make it in this world, neither do the most stylish loafers. A genuine hunger for creative insight as a means of seeking universal truth which leads towards God will be the only muse which will suffice. We must fiddle while Roam burns in these last days. Privileged at the experiences which will inspire us which are unlike any other in history. 

Young and old alike, the trappings of pop culture mentality will never expand largely enough to encapsulate the scope necessary. Only God in his infinite majesty will suffice. As stated in the title header, (Romans 12:2) we see how we should be renewed in our minds and set apart. I believe firmly that by doing so the Lord will bless us in the church with creating new culture full of innovative ideas from scratch. It will be his good pleasure to make greener pastures on the other side of the fence, appetizing to sheep who have not yet grazed upon the bounty of his unceasing blessings. We must Re-examine the core concepts and re build once again from the ground up. Artists, philosophers, musicians, theologians, and dare I say dreamers. This is your creative stage call!

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